● Please allow 5-7 business days, not including weekends or holidays, for orders to ship. All orders are shipped via USPS or UPS Monday - Friday (excluding holidays). A tracking number will be emailed to you once your order has been shipped.
● If you have made your payment with an e-check through PayPal, your order will not be shipped until the payment has processed.
● If you have NOT received a tracking number after 7 business days or have any other questions regarding your order, please contact us via email. Please allow up to 24 business hours for a response.
● Once you have received a tracking number for your order and the shipping carrier is in possession of your package, any issues or concerns regarding the shipment must be handled through the carrier responsible for your shipment.
● If you have not received your package, but your tracking number shows that it has been delivered, please contact your shipping carrier. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged packages once they are in the care of USPS, UPS, or any other shipping carrier.